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Acne Scar Solutions - 4 Myths Regarding Acne and What You Can Do

Finding Scar Scar Solutions is not the easiest thing to do. There are many creams, pills and ingredients in the market that claim to be magic. Did your acne get you? Do you want to find a solution to the scars on your face and neck because of acne?

So what are some of the myths that surround this situation and can it be done to alleviate the symptoms, or save them?

Myth No 1 - Only Teens Get Acne.

This is not true, anyone can get acne, which is more common in teens. The largest age group for acne is 12 to 24 years old, but people over the age of 30 can suffer as well. In fact, 1 in every 4 people has acne.

Myth No. 2 - Acne Caused by Certain Foods.

It's a common myth that if certain foods cause acne, everyone will suffer. The fact that science has never found any connection to prove that a certain diet causes acne.

Myth No. 3 - Acne Caused by dirt

Another misunderstanding. Yes skin gets dirty, it's inevitable. However, the skin is self-cleansing, the dead skin cells are constantly dying and producing natural moisturizing oils to nourish and restore new skin. The problem occurs when the process becomes unbalanced and acne begins.

Myth No. 4 - Acne Cures

Unfortunately this is also not true. However, the good news is that acne can be controlled. Prevention is key. It would be a daily chore for you to maintain your acne, but not worth it?


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