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Gallstones and Gallbladder Disorders

A pregnant friend was found to have bile filled with bile stones. Scheduled for immediate surgery, she immediately performs liver cleansing and avoids surgery. Three years later, after having a liver cleanup and getting pregnant again for surgery, a sonogram revealed that she was still free of gall stones. This story inspired me to write this article on the subject - enlightening both authors and readers.

I will discuss corals in the following order:

  • Definition

  • Type

  • Symptoms

  • Reason

  • Natural Healing


Gallstones and other bile ducts affect the gall bladder, a small sac-like organ located beneath the liver that stores bile made in the liver. Bile, originally produced in the liver, emits fats in partially digested foods. During bile storage, bile becomes thicker which increases its potential and strengthens the effect on fat.

People may go for years with digestive symptoms and not realize that they may be related to gall bladder problems. That is why they are intertwined with other digestive symptoms such as indigestion, gas, bloating and constipation.


The most common problems associated with gall bladder are bile stones, round stones made up of cholesterol, bile, pigment, and lecithin. Gallstones are formed when the fluid stored in the bile hardens into pieces of stone-like material. These rocks can exist for years without symptoms, but can eventually lead to blockage or damage. This can cause symptoms of extreme digestion and pain.

Under health conditions, a fluid, called bile, is used to help the body digest fat. Bile contains water, cholesterol, fat, bile salts, and bilirubin. Bile salts break down fat, and bilirubin gives bile and stains a brown color. Hile is made in the liver, and then stored in the gall bladder until the body needs to digest fat. At that time, the bile contracted and pushed the bile into the tube, called the duct, leading to the small intestine, where it helped with digestion. If liquid bile contains too much cholesterol, bile salts, or bilirubin, it can become a stone.

Bile-related problems include acute cholecystitis, irritation and infections of the gall bladder caused by bile stones. Symptoms of acute colescystitis are stomach upset, even touch, and fever. This recurrent attack is called chronic cholecystitis, which shows similar symptoms.

Although very rare, gall bladder cancer is another possible disorder, occurring only 3 cases per 100,000 people a year. Bile cancer usually causes yellow (yellowish) skin and pain in the upper abdomen, but sometimes there are no symptoms at all.


Only about 20% of people have symptoms of gallstones; others are unaware of the problem. The most common symptom of bile stones is pain in the right abdomen and / or pain in or near the shoulder or right shoulder. Pain can also occur in the middle of the upper abdomen, above the chest. In all cases, the pain, wherever it is shown, often persists and slowly diminishes. It rises to the plateau and then gradually decreases, usually within a few hours after a meal and especially after a meal containing a large amount of fat. Other symptoms may include nausea, dizziness, nausea, heartburn, bloating, and vomiting.

When symptoms occur, it is usually because bile stones have been transferred and put into bile ducts. The most common symptoms are abdominal pain, which may be accompanied by nausea, indigestion, or fever. Stone can also block the normal bile ducts, which carry bile into the small intestine, and the hepatic duct, which releases bile out of the liver.

  • Pain or tenderness under the rib cage on the right

  • Pain between shoulder blades

  • The corn stems are bright or lime colored

  • Saturated after eating, especially fatty or oily foods

  • Nausea

  • Dish

  • Inflatable

  • Gas

  • Burping or belching

  • Feeling full or eating is not digestible

  • Diarrhea (or alternating from gentle to juicy)

  • Constipation

  • Headaches in the eyes, especially

  • Bitter fluid appears after meals

  • Regular use of beard serum


Excess toxins into your system from chemicals, additives, processed foods and snacks, as well as excess animal fat in the diet, contribute to gall bladder problems. If your liver is overweight with excess saturated fat, the bile becomes stressed and inflamed. Excess of these saturated fats becomes cholesterol deposits and when formed enough, they crystallize with bile to form bile stones.

Women get bile 4 times as much as men, especially women over 40 years of age who are white and overweight. 20% of adults over the age of 65 find coral reefs that cause problems and pain. Over 500,000 surgeries are performed each year to remove bile ducts due to gall bladder disorders, the most common of which are coral reefs.

Constipation, food allergy (especially in dairy products and eggs), digestive disorders (mainly due to lack of hydrochloric acid), intestinal diseases, low fiber diet, dental disorders, parasites, rapid weight loss and stress can all cause or contribute to kidney bile and other bile disorders. For the relief of prolonged symptoms, all these factors must be addressed if any.

Natural Healing

Notes: To make an accurate diagnosis of gall bladder, ultrasound may be necessary. If surgery is required, laser surgery is usually used, which does not need to be cut into the stomach, and allows for faster healing. However, most bile surgeries can be easily avoided through nutritional and natural interventions, such as Liver Cleanse, with an emphasis on the identification, prevention, and treatment of food allergy.

Diet: Identify and avoid all foods that you are allergic to or sensitive to, especially eggs, milk and gluten, wheat and dairy products. It also reduces your overall saturated fat intake, making it less than 20% of the amount of food you eat, and eliminating all processed and hydrogenated fat. But do not cut off the fat completely, as this can actually increase your chances of developing corals. Saturated fat (olive oil, coconut oil) is the best fat to include in your diet.

Make sure you eat less, as excessive eating places pressure on the gall bladder. At the same time, be sure to eat breakfast, don't skip meals, and eat a balanced, healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts, legumes and other sources of protein. Increase your intake of dietary fiber to improve bowel movement, and avoid carbohydrates, which can lead to bile formation. On the whole, eat less animal food, eliminate processed foods and move on to whole vegetarian-oriented diets. If you are overweight, lose weight, but slowly and wisely.

Good foods to include in your diet are black cherries, pear, beet (raw and cooked), fresh vegetables and sautéed water such as beet caps, collars, lots of steamed broccoli and cauliflower, snacks on seasonal fruits, eat organic organic yogurt, and more raw food in general.

Liver Cleanse: Liver cleansing is a natural remedy. It's pretty easy. The method used by a pregnant friend to get rid of the reef is simple and effective.

Herbs: Mix the wild yam, fruit peel, milk thistle, and balm in the same spot and take one teaspoon of this mixture three times a day. Absorption of chamomile or lemon lips can also be taken regularly throughout the day.

Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is the use of water, ice, steam and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health. Treatments include full body soaking, steam baths, sauna, sitz baths, colon irrigation and use of hot and / or cold compressors. Hydrotherapy is effective in treating a variety of conditions and can be easily used at home as part of a personal care program. We recommend some home remedies for hydrotherapy. Please consult your alternative medical practitioner before undergoing this procedure to make sure it is right for you. * Purified water is essential for any hydrotherapy treatment. Chlorinated Bath Remedies for Remedies offers clear instructions and recommendations.

Juice Therapy: The following juices may help improve the health of the gall bladder: carrot, beet, cucumber, carrot, and fresh dandelion root, with garlic cloves; or wine, pear, grapefruit, and lemon.

Lifestyle: Choose non-toxic cleaning supplies and personal care products.

Nutrition Supplements: The following supplements can help relieve the symptoms of bile: digestive enzymes with each meal, B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, choline, inositol, lipotropic factor, alfalfa tablet, acidophilus, lecithin, and amino acids, L-taurine. Olive oil that absorbs water throughout the diet can also help.

Topical Treatment: Packing castor oil on the gall bladder can speed up symptoms.

Alternative Professional Care

If your symptoms persist despite the above steps, get the help of a qualified health professional. The following professional care therapies have all proven useful in treating bile and bile diseases: Acupuncture, Detoxification Therapy, Environmental Medicine, Magnetic Field Therapy, Naturopathic Medicine, Neurosurgery and Osteopathy.


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