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Foods Not To Give To Your Dog

While it may be tempting to share your food with your family members, you should be aware that many human foods are toxic to dogs. You should avoid ordering food for your dog from the menu below.


Baby food - Many people try to give baby food especially to puppies when they are not feeling well. Baby food is not bad in general. However, you should make sure the baby food you provide does not contain any onion powder. Also, baby food does not contain all the nutrients needed for a healthy dog.

Chewing gum - Most chewing gum contains a sugar called Xylitol that has no effect on humans. However, it can cause an increase in insulin in dogs that lowers the blood sugar level. If your dog eats a lot of gums, it can damage the liver, kidneys or worse.

Candy - Many sweets also contain Xylitol, the same type of sugar as rubber sugar. So keep sipping and chewing gum from the reach of your dog and puppy.

Chocolate - Chocolate is considered toxic to dogs. Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine which can be toxic to your dog. Chocolate can cause dizziness, vomiting, and diarrhea, and can damage your dog's heart and nervous system.

Corn on the cob - Dogs can eat corn, but not stew. Most dogs cannot digest cob easily, which can cause intestinal obstruction, very serious medical conditions and may be fatal if not treated immediately.

Macadamia nuts - Macadamia nuts also known as Australian Peanuts can cause weakness, depression, vomiting, tremors and hyperthermia in dogs.

Mushrooms - Mushrooms are complicated. While some types of mushrooms are good, others can be toxic to dogs. Some types of mushrooms can cause serious stomach problems for dogs. As a careful dog owner, you should try to avoid giving mushrooms to your dog.

Tobacco - Never give your dog tobacco. The effects of nicotine on dogs are much worse than in humans. The toxic level of nicotine in dogs is 5 milligrams of nicotine per pound of weight. In dogs, 10 mg / kg is potentially lethal.

Cooking dough - Raw bread made with live yeast can be dangerous if eaten by dogs. When raw dough is swallowed, the warm, moist environment provides the ideal environment for the yeast to reproduce, resulting in a large mass that expands the stomach. Stomach development may be severe enough to reduce blood flow to the abdominal wall, resulting in tissue death.

Rotten food The attacked food contains mold and other bacteria that can cause serious damage to your dog's health.


Bone cooked - While raw bones are beneficial to your dog's teeth, cooked bones can be harmful to your puppy. The cooked bones are more fragile, which means that they are more likely to break and cause internal damage to your dog.

Cat food - The small cat food your dog eats may not be a problem. However, feeding your cat regularly to your dog can cause some health problems. Cat foods usually have higher levels of protein and fat that are unhealthy for dogs.

Fat intake - Meat, cooked or raw fat can cause pancreatitis in dogs.

Heart - Feeding the liver may sometimes be OK, but not feeding your dog too much. Excessive heartburn can affect your dog's muscles and bones.

Yeast - As mentioned before, too much yeast can break your dog's stomach and intestines.

Dairy product - Some dogs will be good with dairy products. However, dogs generally have a low tolerance to lactose present in milk. As a result, it can cause diarrhea and other digestive problems.


Alcohol - You should not let your dog taste any type of alcohol, let alone use it in large quantities. The main ingredient used in beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages is toxic and dangerous to dogs. Alcohol can cause poor breathing, abnormal acidity, intoxication, lack of coordination and even coma and / or death for dogs.

Coffee - Too much Coffee can be toxic to your dog. Common signs of coffee overdose include vomiting, tremors, anxiety and rapid heart rate. In severe cases, seizures may occur. It is possible for a dog to collapse if a high amount of caffeine is consumed.

Milk - Many dogs especially dogs drink milk. Most dogs may not experience any problems with milk, but some dogs may be intolerant to lactose present in milk. Dogs allergic to lactose may have stomach upset and other allergic reactions after drinking milk.

Citrus Oil Extract - Oil extracts from citrus fruits such as oranges, oranges and oranges can cause irritation in your dog's digestive system, especially if consumed in large quantities. Dogs may experience diarrhea, vomiting, drooling, and shaking.


Apple seed - Apple beans contain amygdlin, a form of cyanide. It can prevent blood from carrying oxygen throughout the body. Save your child from apple seed.

Avocado - Avocado fruit, holes and plants are toxic to dogs. Avocado damages the heart, lungs and other tissues in dogs other than stomach ache, vomiting and pancreatitis.

Wine & Raisins - Dogs usually get allergic reactions after eating grapes and raising them. Dogs may experience vomiting, fatigue, diarrhea, and possible kidney failure.

Onions - Onions are dangerous to dogs. Try to avoid onions (raw or cooked) for your dog. If a dog eats a small amount of onion every day for several days, it can gradually develop anemia for more than a week to months.

Chives - Chives can cause hemolysis, anemia, or hemoglobinuria in your dog. Some symptoms of excessive use of chives include weakness, fatigue, pale mucous membranes and urine (red to brown) urine.

Peaches - Dogs may not have any problems if they only eat peach meat. However, peach holes are toxic to dogs. They can cause your dog to experience puppies, headaches and dizziness.

Plum - Stems, leaves, and plum seeds are toxic to dogs. Dogs may experience reddish mucous membranes, pupil dilation, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, and shock.

Tomato leaves - Tomato plant leaves contain alpha-tomato and dehydrotomatine glycoalkaloids which are toxic to dogs. Some symptoms of eating tomato leaves include; drooling, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and changes in his behavior. Shaking or seizures can also occur if your puppy has eaten too many tomato leaves.


Raw fish / fish in general - Certain amounts of fish in your dog's diet should not cause any problems. However, if a fish is fed exclusively or in high quantities to your dog, it can cause vitamin deficiency (vitamin B) which results in loss of appetite, seizures, and in severe cases, death.


Human vitamins - Some human vitamins can be toxic to pets, especially fat-soluble ones like vitamins A, D and E. Also, iron tablets can damage the digestive system, and prove toxic to your dog's liver and kidneys. So, keep your vitamins away from your dogs especially puppies.

Human Snack - Some human snacks may use substances such as onions and garlic powder, raisins, chocolates that can be toxic to dogs. Try to give them snacks and furry relatives instead of sharing them with you.

If your dog has anxiety after eating or drinking something, please contact your veterinarian immediately.


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