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Common Symptoms of Post Nasal Drip

You should know that nasal congestion has some symptoms and causes. People with this problem usually describe unpleasant mucous membranes at the back of the throat. Post nasal discharge causes an irritating sensation that makes one want to constantly clean his throat. These irritating conditions can cause discomfort and can disrupt your day.

Excess fluid contains inflammation, which can cause coughs that usually get worse at night. The sticky, sticky, green or yellow mucus in your nose causes congestion in the sinus and nasal nose. As a result, you will notice the difficulty in breathing through your nose. If your throat is sore or dry, you will also notice the difficulty in breathing through your mouth. It's really annoying!

Symptoms of nasal droplets

The post nasal drift varies in intensity, duration and frequency among individuals. Some common symptoms of nasal droplets can be similar to symptoms of a normal allergic reaction.

You might notice it as:

  • The nose runs due to slime;

  • Coughing, diarrhea, spitting often;

  • Persistent ingestion, resulting in excessive amounts of air in the stomach, can cause discomfort;

  • Cleansing of the throat, itching in the throat, difficulty in breathing;

  • Fracture or cracked sound, chronic throat pain;

  • The mucous taste in the throat, the burning sensation in the throat;

  • Bad breath (halitosis), backbone pressure;

  • Oropharyngeal mucosa with bony appearance;

  • Congestion in sinus and nasal nose;

  • Snorting to remove mucus from the throat and nose which cannot be removed by blowing the nose;

  • The masses formed in tonsils are usually yellow or white (called tonsils);

  • Vomiting, nausea, fatigue.

Some of these symptoms can identify you without the help of a doctor. However, some of them only your doctor can find out.

Causes of nasal droplets

This annoying situation can be due to several reasons. For example, when a patient has a cold or a flu, he or she often suffers from nasal droplets. Excess mucus in the throat can also be produced because the temperature is too cold or too hot. In some cases, changes in pregnancy and hormones can also cause nose drops. In addition, excessive mucus production may be caused by conditions such as allergies, drug side effects and structural problems (enlarged turbinates, enlarged adenoids or distorted septum).

In addition, nasal droplets can be caused by sinuses or environmental irritants (smoke, tobacco smoke), foreign bodies (especially if they flow from one side), nasal infections, low humidity, advanced age and even pressure.

Although this disorder is not a medical condition, you should treat it as soon as possible; otherwise, it can cause serious health problems, especially if it lasts a long time. You should see your doctor as soon as you see certain symptoms. He / she will provide the right remedy for the disease, depending on the cause and intensity of your condition.


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