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Cancer Fighting Foods - Cure Your Self of Cancer

Cancer cells are always present in the body and are usually stored in our body's natural defense system. Do you know how the body's natural defense system works and where it gets its ammunition to do so? Do you know where your body died from a named cancer?

Millions of cancerous cells appear in the body over time. However, when cancer cells reach billions, we know the body's natural defense system doesn't work. Cancer cells seem to be unable to detect foreign cells by the body. Because cancer cells grow faster than normal cells, they can replace healthy cells that are almost unnoticed by the body until we feel something is wrong, the tumor or organ is not functioning.

Cancer has been going on in your body for a long time due to many different forces. External influences such as the environment, exposure to toxins, smoking, cigarette smoke, shock, and food can cause cancer and cause cancer.

However, cancer can cure. Studies have shown that dietary nutrition and anti-oxidant nutrients can cure cancer. The fight against cancer is almost the same as your local grocery store shelf. All you need is a knowledge of the right foods and recipes and you can cure your cancer naturally. In this case, knowledge is the power to heal.

A variety of foods make a lifelong, cancer-free diet. There is a process to learn how to make food and cooking choices in a way that not only cures cancer, but prevents disease from permeating your body. Twice cancer survivor and author Carol Patterson has developed many great tasting recipes using food against cancer. Her second diagnosis of cancer led her to recommend a radical surgery. The author chose an alternative cancer cure to save her body from vague exposure and memorize chemotherapy again.

The anti-cancer food program works and it is guaranteed that your cancer will recover. Curing cancer is almost like a local grocery store or health food market with the right recipe and you will be able to cure yourself with cancer and maintain a healthy body for the rest of your life. The National Cancer Institute estimates that about one-third of all cancer deaths may be diet-related. What you eat can hurt you. On the other hand, what you eat can also help you. Knowing what foods are cancer foods, and making the right choices can save your life.

Many of the common foods found in grocery stores or organic markets contain anti-oxidant cancer and can cure cancer naturally. Antioxidants neutralize the damage caused by the free radicals that cause cancer and turn them into phytochemicals that fight cancer cells. New scientists are beginning to explore this phenomenon.

All over the world, we are beginning to realize that the modernization of our food processing system over the past 50 years has led to almost cancer and heart disease outbreaks. Not only do these foods contribute to the obesity problem due to the consumption of chemicals, but processed foods poison our bodies one day at a time. In the last 25-40 years, major damage has been done to our bodies by consuming chemically processed foods; and the result is cancer and deadly heart disease.

The good news is that the body has very strong healing abilities. Cells divide and regenerate on a daily basis, including cancer cells. Cancer cells lose two essential amino acids: Linolenic Acid and Linoleic Acid. Therefore, it is very logical to realize that if we feed the cancer cells of the amino acids and nutrients they are missing, the cells will have the ability to morph and regenerate healthy cells. The concept is a bit simple, but it works. Cancer can be cured and many have cured cancer with this concept using foods that fight cancer.

What the researchers found was we are what we eat!

Globally, our diet has changed from the times we ate, especially the fresh foods. We went to a grocery store and bought many processed foods that had chemical preservatives and were generally unhealthy for us. In many cases, these foods actually cause cancer one day at a time over several years.

On the other hand, there are many foods in our grocery store that have natural antioxidants and the ability to fight cancer and maintain normal body health. Once you know the foods that really fight cancer, you can start curing natural cancer.

The National Cancer Institute recognizes that diet and nutrition play an important role in the fight against cancer. They recommend eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables as part of a low-fat, high-fat diet. Many foods that fight high cancer in antioxidants are nuts, fruits, and vegetables.

In general, in the western world, our daily diet is out of balance. We eat too much food; we eat too much meat and fat; we eat too much sugar and salt, and our diet lacks fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. Our regular daily diet contains up to 45% fat. Healthy fats should be 30% or less of your whole-day diet.

The National Cancer Institute states that diet and nutrition are factors in 60% of cancers in women and 40% of cancers in men.

Today more and more studies have shown that we can beat cancer with nutritious ammunition and a balanced diet. Hopkins University, John in their cancer research has a new update confirming this study.

It has become common knowledge that dietary intake is important in the fight against cancer. Isn't it logical that the opposite might be true? Wrong foods can and can cause cancer. It's not too hard to imagine!

The National Cancer Institute and the Federal Food and Drug Administration agree that Americans should eat more fiber and reduce their fat intake. The authorities also emphasize that freshness of food is an important factor.

Fresh food straight from your own garden or farm stand will be the best cancer fighting food, plus delicious! When you use fresh food for your meals, and prepare it yourself, you know what you are eating. It's important to create healing for cancer for yourself or loved ones.

There are numerous published reports documenting the nature of healthy diet recovery. The idea of ​​eating fruits and vegetables while they are still in the natural state means that we retain the natural nutrients to be absorbed into our body.

When making juices from fruits or vegetables, drink the juice within five minutes of processing to preserve the natural nutrients.

Once the principle of fresh food makes sense to you, the idea of ​​purchased and processed foods is kept to itself as a major problem. Learn to look at the labels behind the food package. The best advice is to eat food in its natural state as it comes from growers. If you can grow your own vegetables, that is a better solution.

You will begin to realize how much more modern we have become in terms of our food process; more and more we now have high rates of cancer, heart disease and obesity and are increasing year by year. There is a direct correlation of food and disease that scientists process on a daily basis.

There's something drastically wrong with this picture! People no longer have to die from cancer. Cancer can be cured through food against cancer.

Provide your own juice and fresh foods, but consider alternatives. Other countries such as Japan and China do not have heart disease, obesity or cancer problems in the western world. Asian foods mostly consist of vegetables, nuts, fruits and fish. Health problems of heart disease, obesity, and cancer in the western world, and food differences between Asian foods and foods have a direct correlation.

Medical and scientific sources now state that the reason for the high spikes in diseases worldwide is due to processed foods. When you listen to food alerts, one at a radio show or in a morning talk show, it has no effect as written reports from government agencies and authorities say.

It's very logical to look: We are what we eat!

Listed below are charts of fruits and vegetables approved by the FDA. Post this list; There is so much to eat! Creating foods that fight the delicious and healthy cancer of this list is not difficult at all.


TOP 20 fruits ............................. VEGETABLES ............... .. .................. FISH

  • ................................. potatoes ................ ......................... shrimp
  • Apples ..................................... lettuce ........... .................................. code
  • Watermelon ........................... tomatoes ..................... ................... Pollock
  • Citrus ................................. onion ............... .............................. catfish
  • Cantaloupe ............................ carrot .................... ......................... clams
  • Wine .................................... celery ............ ................................... salmon
  • Grapefruit ................................ sweet corn ............... ....................... flounder
  • Strawberries ........................... broccoli ..................... ........................ single
  • Peach .................................. green cabbage ............ .................. oysters
  • Pear ........................................ cucumbers ........ .............................. colored orange
  • Nectarines ................................ bell pepper ............... ..................... mackerel
  • Honeydew melon .................... cauliflower .......................... ............ the sea perched
  • Plum ........................................ lettuce leaves ....... ................................. rockfish
  • Avocado .................................. sweet potato ............ ................... whiting
  • ......................................... mushrooms ........ ... .......................... clams
  • Pineapple peanuts ............................... green onions ............... ...
  • Tangerines ............................... green beans ................ ..................... blue crab
  • Sweet cherries ......................... radish ...................... ........................... trout
  • .............................................. summer squash. . ... ......................... halibut
  • Limes ........................................ asparagus ........ ................................. shrimp

Many foods on the FDA-recommended list and anti-cancer foods are the same. Take the time to cross-reference this list with the cancer fighting list below. You will notice that many foods are the same. Great!

By changing your diet, and returning to the way we ate 30-50 years ago without the processed foods in our diet, you will have the ability to make your body stronger and healthier. Processed food is a No, no . Processed lifelong foods can lead to cancer, heart disease, and obesity, all of which are epidemic proportions in the western world.

We're gone the real center in our food intake.

We eat too much, and especially eat too much wrong food. If you look at an average teen's daily diet, think about it fast forward 25-40 years from now, with a plethora of diseases that will strike their lives after 25-40 years of consuming chemically processed foods. This is one of the reasons why childhood obesity is at the epidemic level. These children have no chance of a healthy long life unless they change their eating habits and stop eating processed foods and chemicals.

We drink processed soft drinks and orange juices that are high in sugar, we eat processed meat and dairy products that have high chemical content, and we cook our food until we lose nutrients either in boiling water, or in flames. cooking process.

Food, as it is available in most Asian countries, does not have the cancer risk we have been dealing with over time in food processing and food preparation in the western world.

The history of Oman tells the story of heroism, courage, ...

There is a logic to healthy eating associations and relationships with healthy bodies.

Listed below are foods that are anti-cancer foods that can be used to cure cancer. It is also a food for a healthy lifestyle.

  • Avocado
  • Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower
  • Carrots
  • Chili pepper and jalapenos
  • Figs
  • Flax
  • garlic
  • Ginger
  • Grapefruits
  • Wine, red
  • Green and yellow leafy vegetables
  • Kale
  • Licorice root
  • Mushrooms
  • Beans
  • Orange and lemon
  • Papayas
  • Raspberry
  • Red wine
  • Rosemary
  • Seaweeds and other seafood
  • Sesame Seeds Oil
  • Soy products like Tofu
  • Sweetpotato
  • Tea: Green Tea and Black Tea
  • Tomatoes
  • Turmeric
  • Turnip

Nature has provided many kinds of food for us to eat and enjoy a healthy life. Have fun creating recipes that include food against cancer in this article. Explore your grocery store in the vegetable and organic section. There are many foods available at your local grocery or health food store.

In that book Healing Yourself From Cancer by Carol Patterson's double cancer survivor, you'll find recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a 30-Day Anti-Cancer Diet consisting of foods against cancer that use all of the foods mentioned in this article. Eating this cancer food can save your life. His book shows us how to use food against cancer to cure cancer. Recipes are also a great lifelong diet that you can use to maintain good health for years to come.


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