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16 Things That Make You Smell

DO YOU DO IT? 16 unexpected things that can make you, well, smell - and how to quickly recover You know you're a little sharp after a hard spin class or a fruity dinner. But there are some unexpected factors - such as how fast you dress in the morning, how much carbohydrate you eat, or whether you snore - can also affect BO, breathing, tenderness, and more. Here's how to fix it, fast.


The rapid post-shower movement may end up causing problems later. It's because moisture can be trapped between the folds of the skin, such as under your breasts, under the arms of your love, or between your toes, says Marina Peredo, M.D., a dermatologist certified by a board in private practice in Smithtown, New York. "There is no access to the air there, and it is easier for bacteria and fungus to grow and mix with sweat, causing odor and irritation," he said. Fix it: Peredo recommends this to her patients: "After you dry it, place a dryer to cool and wave over your stomach, thighs, feet — anywhere uncomfortable to sweat." You can also sprinkle absorbent powder with antifreeze features on your skin or shoes. Try Zeabsorb-AF, available at drug stores.


Foods with spicy ingredients, such as curry, garlic, and other spices, can not only cause bad breath, but also a slight odor. When digested, this food produces some gases containing sulfur that smells bad. Many of these side effects are metabolized in the gut and liver, but some, like the methyl sulfide allele, are absorbed into the bloodstream and released through your lungs and lungs, effects that can last for hours or more, says Debra Jaliman, MD , assistant professor of dermatology at Mt. Sinai Medical School. Fix: You can temporarily close your mouth with a mouth wash or chew on some fresh parsley, mint, or fennel seeds, but you will have to wait until your body is fully digested before all the odor is gone. Sit down for spicy dishes in good company; It's hard to smell other people if you all eat the same thing, says Richard Price, D.M.D., a spokesman for the American Dental Association. Avoid garlic-rich garlic a few hours before an important meeting or date.


Lose your tongue, and your breath may not be as fresh as you would like. Your tongue is covered with thousands of tiny hair-like projections called papillae, which can trap and spoil small amounts of food. So, even if you brush and floss regularly, the tiny carcasses of your food can hang in the back, collect bacteria and release hydrogen sulfide vapor — also known as bad breath. Correct: Cooking oils can help, but the best way to get rid of bacteria, dead cells, and food debris from your tongue slots is with a cheap tongue scraper. Brushing your tongue with a soft brush brush works well. Slowly clean as far as you can without brushing. Also, switch to toothpaste containing chlorine dioxide or tea tree oil, a powerful disinfectant with an aroma rich in eucalyptus.


When an urgent project falls on your desk, sweating is part of how your body naturally reacts to stress. Our body is smart. A well-known fight or flight-yep reaction mechanism, the same one that helped our ancestors release a swords-swirling tiger so that we didn't sweat as we fought. Fast forward a few thousand years, and busy days at the office can produce the same sweaty palms and sticky armpits. Correct: Try some smart tea. It contains astringent tannins and several antiseptic compounds that can act to calm the sympathetic nervous system, which causes all symptoms of stress. Sage tea should reduce overall sweat if it is in small amounts throughout the day. To make this, steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of the dried dry powdered leaves in hot water and allow for 10 minutes to make sure all active ingredients have been removed.


Packaged fiber foods are great for your health, but they may make you feel a little stressed. Unfortunately, because some fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts - make you feel longer is the same reason that gas can cause, according to Mayo Clinic. This type of fiber, known as soluble fiber, cannot be digested until it reaches the large intestine (other foods usually get digested in the small intestine, earlier in the digestive process). Here, the healthy bacteria in your gut break down the fiber, which produces hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and even methane. Finally, these odorous gases have to go somewhere and they often come out in bloated form. Correct: Add these foods to your diet for a few weeks so your body can adjust. If you use fiber supplements, be sure to take at least 8 ounces of water and drink plenty of fluids throughout the day without moving easily through the digestive system without it.


Speak the sounds of the night for breath in the morning. Sleeping with open mouth drys your mouth cavity, allowing dead cells to accumulate and decompose on your tongue, gums, and cheeks. This is what causes morning breath. Correct it: Get out of bed that night. Alcohol before bed can cause snoring worse. Placing adhesive strips along the bridge of your nose can help with breathing. In the morning, in addition to brushing teeth and tongue and flossing, garlic with a small cup of acidic lemon juice to kill bacteria that cause odor. Then eat normal sugar-free yogurt, which contains healthy lactobacillus bacteria, probiotics that compete with and replace the reeking bacteria in your mouth. The lemon-yogurt combo instantly neutralizes the odor and lasts 12 to 24 hours, said Mark Moyad, M.D., M.P.H., director of preventive and alternative medicine at the University of Michigan Medical Center.


If you are a lone wolf in just a few minutes due to a deadline, you may have an afternoon nap in front of you. Chewing too fast and drinking through straw can cause you to swallow too much air. You release most of this air, which contains nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide, from the stomach and stern. What is left makes its way through the digestive tract until it is finally expelled through another gas. Improvements: Long lunches may not be heard from today, but give yourself enough time to chew properly, without a giant bite. Drop your fork as you chew to slow down, if necessary. Also, do not eat when you are anxious, frustrated, or depressed — it can interfere with digestion. On busy days where you know you are going to eat fast, take two peppermint capsules (500 mg each) three times a day, recommends Ronald Hoffman, M.D., author of Really Working Alternative Therapies (Rodale, 2007). Peppermint kills bacteria that cause bloating and relaxes the gastrointestinal muscles for smoother digestion.


Make sure your white stem contains antiperspirants too. Deodorants only cover your BO mask — they do not prevent your body from releasing sweat, Peredo says. "Antiperspirants actually attach to your sweat glands, which prevents you from drying out your sweat," he said. Correct: You really only need antiperspirant, but if you want the aroma of the sea, at least choose a product that has both deodorant and antiperspirant. If you are a big time jumper (especially in the hot summer months), apply before bed. You sweat less at night, so more of the antiperspirant-based aluminum is absorbed into the sweat glands. The effect can last 24 hours or longer, even if you shower in the morning. If this doesn't help, ask your doctor about prescription strength antiperspirants, such as Drysol or Xerac, which contain aluminum chloride.


Dandruff is not a problem — it's a hiatus from hair washing that makes your scent go around. "It's a common misconception that dandruff occurs when your scalp is too dry," says Peredo, a myth that makes people wash their hair. This, combined with the fact that irritated scalp may be more than a bacterial breeding ground, can make your skin smell. "Dandruff occurs when your hair is too oily." Correct: Washing your hair with a regular shampoo can help get the pieces in check. If not, try OTC dandruff shampoo. Look for zinc pyrithione, an antifungal / antibacterial agent that can revive your scalp (available at Head & Shoulders or Selsun Salon), or with coal tar, an herb that slows down the process of shedding your skin cells (like Neutrogena T / Gel). If the dandruff is gone after a few weeks, consult your doctor or skin doctor. You may need a stronger prescription strength product or a steroid lotion.


Check your medicine cabinet - it can be your breath source. Hundreds of prescriptions and over-the-counter medications — for everything from allergies to high blood pressure to depression — can cause dry mouth, one of the most common triggers for bad breath. They may block the action of acetylcholine, a brain chemical that tells the nerves to change the salivary glands. Correct it: Ask your doctor to adjust your dose or recommend an alternative medicine that does not list dry mouth as a side effect. In the meantime, water often sucks to stimulate saliva production, which keeps the mouth moist and clean. Limit the use of coffee and try to breathe through your nose, not your mouth, to prevent further drying. OTC saliva replacement can also help keep your mouth moist, according to Mayo Clinic. Look for carboxymethylcellulose or hydroxyethylcellulose to help thicken saliva.


Who knows? A woman's monthly cycle can affect how much she's sweating. Body temperature rises halfway through when you are ovulating, enough to induce more sweat — and BO, says Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., professor of obstetrics and gynecology clinics at the Yale University School of Medicine and Prevention Advisor. Vaginal secretions also increase. Correct: Try a stronger antiperspirant underarm / midcycle lifespan (about 14 days from your last menstrual day) and wear cotton underwear that allows moisture to evaporate. If you notice persistent and unusual vaginal odor, check with your doctor; it can be an infection that needs treatment.


Followers of a protein-packed diet may find their breath stinks. Ditching bread to sneak into skinny jeans can take a toll on your breath — and your overall health. Some of these high protein plans consume between 30 and 50% of the total calories from protein. Because carbohydrates are your body's normal source of energy, when you consume too little, you start burning your own fat stores for energy, releasing substances called ketones into your bloodstream, according to the American Heart Association. This can make your breath smell funky - some describe it as a combination of pineapple nails and pineapple nails. In addition, a diet high in animal protein sources may also have excess saturated fat, increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Correct: Cut down on calories overall — not just those from carbohydrates — to lose weight. You need to take at least 130 grams of carbohydrates daily, whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables — to stay healthy.


Ditch outfits are perfect for low-calorie training sessions. Strictly, synthetic fabrics, such as spandex, scrub the skin and can trap sweat. It can cause additional odors, as well as skin irritations, such as foliculitis (inflammation around the hair follicles) and acne-like eruptions, Peredo says. Correct: Choose moisture-wicking cloth that is also antimicrobial. Woolen fabrics, for example, naturally inhibit the growth of stink-causing bacteria (one to try: lightweight, Smartwool hives). New synthetic fabrics, such as Cocona, revolve around fibers from recycled coconut mills that provide odor repellents (found in brands such as New Balance and Merrell).


These types of free sugars are best for your teeth, but they can make your stomach rumbly, causing bloating. Our bodies do not fully digest low-sweeteners, such as sorbitol, which is found in sugar-free sugars. When bacteria in the large intestine break down, they can cause gas and even diarrhea. Correct: Soothe your sweet tooth with a cup of mint tea. Olive oil contains bulbs, which appear to have a calming effect on your digestive tract muscles, providing help from gas and gas. Or drink half a cup of cranberry juice a day. It contains phytochemicals that block bacteria that cause odor in your gut.


A drastic nose can cause bad breath. When the nasal fluid drips from the sinus to the back of your throat, it can smell your breath. So you can breathe especially from your mouth when the nasal passages are blocked as this dries out your mouth. Dry mouth prevents saliva from keeping your mouth moist and clean, making dead cells more likely to accumulate tongue, gum, and cheeks. When these cells decompose, they produce odor. Correct: Drink plenty of water — not coffee, soda, or alcohol, that can drain your water. Several decades of clinical trials have also found that nasal irrigation, in which the sinus cavity is rinsed with warm saline, is a safe, effective, and inexpensive way to cleanse the mucus that causes halitosis. Rubber specialists, Ceramic nettles, plastic stretching bottles like SinuCleanse, or sprays like ENTsol all work well. Use warm distilled water and 1/4 teaspoon of halal salt per 1 cup for Neti pot.


Did you sneak an empty foot into the pump? You may experience odor at the end of the day. Closed shoes can act as a bacterial breeding ground, catching moisture and causing bad feet, according to The Home Doctors' Remedies Book. When you take off your socks, there is nothing to absorb the sweat produced by your feet. Fix: You can rub antiperspirants on the bottom of your feet and between your toes. It's also a good idea to dry your feet with antifungal powder, which will help keep your toxins dry. At night, the feet in the tub kill bacteria 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water. You can also try boiling black tea for 30 minutes. Tannins kill bacteria and close pores, which keep your feet dry, longer. You'll see results a few days a week.


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