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New tips to get rid of obesity and get fit

 New tips to get rid of obesity and get fit

Dr. Omar Rashad, consultant plastic surgeon and member of the American Academy of Plastic Surgeons, says there are many questions about chewing food and drinking water while eating? And how do I get rid of the crunch? How do I lose weight without deprivation or negative health effects of diet? And other questions.

- First you should know our digestive system and how it works?

Food goes through several stages until it reaches its final stages, where nutrients are utilized, and harmful waste is introduced in short

1- Chewing: It is done in the mouth and during which the food is cut and milled by teeth and helps the tongue in flipping food in the mouth in addition to its role in the sensation in taste through the sweetness of taste spread on the different surface of the tongue, where each area of the surface of the tongue specializes in the sense of a specific type of taste such as salty and acid Bitter and sweet, in addition to grinding and chopping is the secretion of saliva rich in amilyas yeasts that break down complex sugars such as carbohydrates into binary sugars and simple, the presence of water in the mouth during the chewing phase can reduce the secretion of saliva and reduce the concentration of amielas, which prevents The process of breaking complex sugar and not using it as a simple sugar (glucose) in the following stages.

2- In the stomach are secreted yeasts (pepsin) and (kemo terpsin) which in addition to acids such as hydrochloride and bile juices in digesting food and turn it into an easy-absorbing mixture (kemos) and analyze its contents of proteins and vitamins partially and this process takes 30 minutes On average. The presence of water in the stomach during this period reduces the concentration of yeasts and discourages their action.

From the above we find that eating water in more quantities and above moderation during chewing, or half an hour after satiety has a negative effect on the feeding process, and causes the body to reduce the use of nutrients, not to mention the problems of infectious milking.

In short, chew well and don't eat just before bedtime, but at least two hours before bedtime.

- Do you suffer from the fact that the balance index is suspended at a certain number and you are no longer able to continue with your diet? It's annoying, isn't it?

It doesn't matter what you do to lose weight... Some fat may remain unremoved, but that does not mean that it will be forgotten. It is just a sign that your body is getting used to the new situation and after 4 or 5 weeks of typical weight loss may increase the body and no one knows the cause of this increase, but it may be the way the body is dealing with the new situation because you have not stabilized the weight.

So you should focus in that period to ensure the loss of the rest of the excess weight, there are some women who lose hope and start gaining weight again, and if you manage to pass this stage successfully you will keep your body slim forever after removing those rock-like fats.

The plan that will get you out of that fat and that excess weight in the form of laser liposuction or power chip laser sessions to burn and melt fat and other effective and final means and forever and the secrets of removing those fats.

1- Write down the food you ate, write everything you ate during the day and compare it to what you were eating before you start your current diet and remember that we forget what we eat during the day, so be honest with yourself. Did you eat a lot of sweets and sugars here? Or some cake over there.

2- Know that the lower you weigh. The less you consume, the lighter you weigh. The less energy you need, the lighter women need 200 fewer calories than the overweight women.

3- Diversification is the key to the solution eating the same old menu without changing or diversifying will lead to increased weight and increased sugar in your blood.

Restore your sports activity. Weekly aerobics should force and stimulate your body to burn fat constantly and build some muscle, so you should work hard and exercise or increase your activity.

5- Always be excited... Continuing motivation is important to remember yourself always why you lose weight and how you feel better and look more beautiful.

6- Follow our dietary plans this plan will help you lose 7 pounds of stubborn fat... Only in 3 weeks.

Know that bad eating habits are coming back: keeping your body fit is no less important or tiring than getting to that fitness, if you go back to your previous eating habits, expect to gain weight again.

Breakfast: Studies have indicated that breakfast is very important to stay fit
Leave your car in the garage: The British National Association for Weight Preservation indicated that people with agile body walk twice more than others, so your car is parked in the garage to have to walk more and therefore burn fat instead of riding the car by measuring your weight once a week: knowing your gain For extra weight, it's better than waiting for you to gain a lot and a lot of weight from it.
Don't over-watch TV: The Weight Conservation Society has indicated that people who watch less than enough TV are less overweight, watching it only 10 hours a week
Think gracefully: Think about staying agile, the mind and positive thinking are very important to stay agile unlike negative thinking that can lead to a reversal.

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