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Is it safe to install a stomach balloon?

 Is it safe to install a stomach balloon?

One of the women asks, i weigh 136 kilos, 170 cm tall, i suffer from obesity, high triglycerides, and I'm afraid of gastric procedures.

Dr. Hisham Khayat, Professor of Digestive and Hepatology at the Tudor Belhars Institute, answers: This patient suffers from excessive obesity as the bmi factor is more than 35 and this represents a high risk factor, and a risk to health and requires a pause because obesity leads to many problems, the most important of which are atherosclerosis and heart clots. The brain, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, blood pressure and osteoporosis.

It has also recently been proven that obesity increases the rates of colon and breast cancer and there are many treatments for obesity, the most important of which is changing the behavioral lifestyle, exercising regularly, staying away from fat and reducing carbohydrates and sugars, in addition to medications that help not absorb fats and sugars. Also there are medications that help and increase fat burning.

If this treatment does not work, obesity surgeries such as gastric bandit or diverting food are considered and these operations have risks, especially in the anesthesia of obese patients, and the operations are expensive and have some side effects.

Since the patient does not prefer to perform operations and did not respond as clearly to change the lifestyle and as a result of fat, she is unable to exercise regularly, so she is fit for the stomach balloon and is placed in the stomach cavity and is filled with a solution of salt with the substance "Eaglesglo", a dye that comes out in the urine and feces. If there is a leak of the balloon in the stomach and the installation of the balloon in the stomach does not take more than 10 minutes under a simple anesthesia the patient is quickly wakeup after installation and goes to currency and exercises his normal life without staying in the hospital like other surgeries.

The balloon is installed through the endoscope without oral openings and without complete anesthesia and without the patient remaining in the hospital and therefore it is considered an ideal operation and the balloon remains for 6 months during which the weight is reduced by following a certain diet within 20:30 klio.

There are no complications of the balloon at all and can occur a feeling of vomiting and full stomach in the first week of its composition only and the balloon is filled with liquid of 450: 650 cm depending on the size of the stomach and the balloon is inserted and extracted safely by laparoscopic orally without openings and without total anesthesia after 6 months of its placement.

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