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Fasting for 24 hours for a regular period benefits general health and heart

 Fasting for 24 hours for a regular period benefits general health and heart

A US study published in the British newspaper The Indbent confirmed that fasting for 24 hours and for regular periods benefits health in general and the heart in particular.

A number of cardiologists at Intermountain Heart Center in the United States have concluded that fasting can reduce the risk of developing coronary artery and diabetes diseases, as well as control cholesterol.

Fasting for 24 hours, with only water, can strengthen a protein, called human growth hormone, which protects against muscle weakness.

Some experts agreed that fasting was not dangerous for a single day, but urged caution when trying to prolong the fasting period under weight loss programmes. Experts also say that the body naturally cleanses itself of toxins through kidneys and liver. "If you want a safe way to rid your body of toxins, or a way to reduce weight, eat natural foods, drink plenty of clean water, avoid taking excessive medications and stay away from alcohol.

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