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Diet drinks increase weight

Diet drinks increase weight

Two new studies have found that sugar-free soft drinks and artificial sweeteners, known as diet drinks, help lose weight.

On the contrary, they have been shown to be harmful to human health and may also increase weight.

Researchers at the Center for Health Sciences at the University of Texas in San Antonio said people who said they drank two or more sugar-free soft drinks a day noticed a sixfold increase in their weight in those who did not.

According to UPI, the study revealed that aspartame, a non-sugar-sweetened sweetener, increased blood sugar levels in diabetic mice.

She added that researcher Helen Hasoda, one of the co-author of the two studies, said that the research team concluded that the promotion of sugar-free soft drinks and non-sugar sweeteners as healthy alternatives, is based on wrong judgment and is not scientifically based, and may be without calories, but not without consequences for health.

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