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Can obesity be treated with lasers and without surgery?

 Can obesity be treated with lasers and without surgery?

One woman asks: Can it dissolve fat by laser, without surgery and without complications?

Dr. Omar Rashad, consultant plastic surgeon, member of the American Academy of Plastic Surgeons, says: The dissolving of laser fat is currently introduced to some developments, where the device works laser in addition to radio frequency waves, and it gives heat in the area to be dissolved fat in it, this heat does not feel When the patient heats up the area, the blood circulation improves and therefore removes the toxins and fat spills out of this place.

The laser opens the pores and releases fat from the fat cells, but the radio frequency waves activate the manufacture of collagen, and the skin is tightened again and the skin improves and gets rid of sagging, in addition to the suction that tightens the skin, where if he finds any cells for cellulite begin to cut and separate them from each other and the skin returns from New to its shape.

The session time ranges from 30 minutes and the results appear immediately where the patient's size drops from 2:10 cm immediately after the end of the session, and within the two days following the session the results appear more.

The number of sessions is determined by the area to be treated and determined by the presence of sagging, cellulite and the amount of fat to be dissolved.

As for the time between the session and the other does not less than three days until we give the body a chance to get rid of the moving fat, where the fat moves and enters the lymph vessels which turn it in turn to the digestive system as if the human ate fat, and we ask the patient to walk about 10 minutes after the session and drink water a lot He burns fat. During the time of the sessions, the patient is prevented from eating fatty foods to help him get fat out of his body after stimulating fat cells.

I advise anyone who wants to get rid of topical obesity by laser to maintain his weight without increasing, so as not to increase so that local obesity appears in new places and is forced to undergo new sessions in new areas.

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