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What are healthy eating habits?

 What are healthy eating habits?

Abdul Wahab Mahmoud asks about the habits to be observed when eating so that people can benefit more from the benefits of what they eat, and I have another question that says, is there a link between smoking and high blood pressure?

Dr. Jamal Shaaban, consultant cardiologist, replies, there are important eating habits, including:
- Diversify what is contained in the dish to include an abundant amount of salad, it is rich in nutrients, in addition to fiber that gives a feeling of fullness, causing a reduction in the amount of the rest of the food.
- Avoid spices and pickles as they cause open appetite, indigestion, intestinal confusion, and high blood pressure.
- Eat slowly and enjoy its taste, the nervous system receives the first signal of the presence of food in the stomach after 20 minutes of eating.
- Chew food well and mix it with saliva well to facilitate digestion.
- The food is not cut at once, but eat one bite after another, until it stops for several seconds between each bite and the other.
- After you have finished eating the dish, you should take the table or remove the dish so that the empty dish does not tempt the owner to eat more.

As for the reader's question about the relationship between smoking and high blood pressure, scientific research has shown that smoking contributes to high blood pressure due to its effect on several factors:
- Changes occur in the walls of blood vessels, and increases the deposition of fat and calcine causing stiffness and high blood pressure.
- Causes dehydration and increased concentration of salts in the body.
- Causes the body's secretion of substances and hormones that increase the damage of high blood pressure.
- Contains a caffeine-like nicotine in its stimulant and stimulant effect of cardiovascular function (but smoking carries a twice the risk of coffee nicotine), which explains the temporary high blood pressure that accompanies smoking.

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