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Stomach strap is safer than bariatric surgery

Stomach strap is safer than bariatric surgery

Dr. Mohammed Al-Jazareli, Professor of Laparoscopic Surgery at Wayne State University, USA, one of the world's most renowned surgeons, talks about the best and safest slimming operations. He says: There is no such thing as a will power in the field of weight loss as evidenced by the fact that the world's most powerful men are obese and unable to lose weight.

"I personally had a gastric band operation seven years ago, as I was able to lose about 128 pounds, which is about 50 kilos," he said.

He believes that there is no such thing as a will power for weight loss after 5 years, 98% of those who lost weight with the diet system came back again, even though there was a so-called will power that Churchill could lose weight or that the American President William Hoare touted in the early 1920s.  He used the car instead of horses and from the many obesity that suffers from the "atzing" in the bathtub and they brought a saw and they spread the bathtub around him during his shower in it to be taken out of the White House and another bathtub was designed 7 feet long and three and a half feet wide and this is the result of his obesity A republic that has no will power? Also, Churchill, who led the world in World War II, had no will power to fight hunger and was obese.

He explains this phenomenon by saying: When a person begins to make body diet imagines that he is in famine and secretes substances so that his appetite for food returns again and returns the weight as it was or more, among the proverbs also lion and known for eating only fresh meat which he hunts himself and if he saw A rotten meat that goes away immediately unless there is famine in the forest, then it can eat any meat, even if it is bad.

He points out that the body hormones are very strong and no one can say that there is a will power in the work of diet, surgery has a big role in the field of weight loss because obesity causes many diseases including sugar and inability to breathe during sleep which leads to death in the middle of the night pressure and high cholesterol Rol, heart disease, roughjoints and a large number of cancers after performing breast cancer slimming is 85% less and colon cancer is reduced by 70%, as well as pancreatic cancer and blood circulation cancer is reduced by 50%.

The U.S. government has found through its treatment of older people over the age of 65 that it is cheaper for the state to treat obesity than obesity- and studies have shown that surgical treatment leads to a reduction in mortality in obese patients to 89%.

Al-Jazairi emphasizes that the seriousness of the operations has been reduced very little by laparoscopic surgery as the severity of the operations was the result of the large wound in these surgeries, which was causing contamination and leading to many problems.

He says that slimming processes are divided into two sections gastric belt processes which work to reduce the amount of food and the second part is the process of transforming the intestines where reduces the length of the intestine from 24 feet to 6 feet or less and at the same time part of the stomach is cut as a result of shear and intestinal connection can cause a kind of contamination in the The protoni membrane that eventually leads to death.

He noted that there are skilled doctors in Egypt who have great skill in conversion and belt operations and must be performed in Egypt, because follow-up the patient after the operation is necessary, so I refused to perform operations here in Egypt because I am not present in Egypt to care for patients, the skill of the Egyptian surgeon is no less skilled than the surgeon European or American, if not increased.

He believes that the installation of the belt in bariatric surgeries is safer than other surgeries, especially that the belt that is installed in the stomach is made of materials that are not rejected by the body and have a success rate of about 80% but the patient must be followed every two years after combination.

Dr. Mohammed Al-Jazairi is an Egyptian national and graduated from alexandria University School of Medicine and has emigrated to the United States since his graduation, where he currently works there at Wayne State University.

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