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"popcorn" without oil does not cause obesity

A reader asks: I am the mother of a 7-month-old child who sewelled before pregnancy and now 85 kilos and 165 centimetres tall, and I want a diet so I can lose weight again?

The question is answered by Dr. Mohammed Obeid, Professor of Digestive, Liver and Obesity Treatment at the Faculty of Ophthalmology, Cairo University: "The normal rate of increase during pregnancy is from 9 to 12 kilos and sometimes up to 15 kilos, so the weight of the liquid is only 5 kilos more than normal and this is very easy, but it Do not follow harsh diets, such as the chemical system, because it affects milk and lactation on their baby, and the liquid should know that regular feeding of her child also reduces her weight."

Dr. Obeid advises: "The mother should commit to eating three main meals a day on the last meal of her at 6 pm and eat two or three more meals between the main meals, as research has shown that the one who eats four or five meals a day increases the rates of burning in the body, which makes him Slimming process is faster than eating only two meals, and there is a belief that not eating food or breakfast for example makes the individual reduce his weight and this belief is a big mistake, and the liquid can eat vegetables and fruit selections between meals or popcorn, also uses casnak between meals but it is without oil every 6 cups of Popcorn is equivalent to one cup of rice, in addition to containing minerals needed by the body and is one of the meals that make the individual feel full, while moving away from fat and sugars and relying at dinner on snacks such as fruit and yogurt, and following the system of walking for half an hour for five days a week ".

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