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Many ways to get rid of obesity!!

Many ways to get rid of obesity!!

Obesity is a disease of the modern era, which suffers from a large proportion of the world's population, obesity in Egypt represents about 40% of the population, and obesity as a preliminary definition is weight gain on the natural limits of body length.

Obesity has no specific causes, but it may be due to the presence of hormonal imbalance in the body, one of the most important causes of obesity is overeating, as there are three main tips to follow to avoid obesity, namely the amount of food, its quality, and timing.

As for the types of obesity, it is either total obesity that includes the whole body, or local obesity concentrated in specific places of the body, and obesity exposes the body to many health problems, the most important of which is diabetes, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and heart disease, as well as affecting the special cervical vertebrae. Neck, lumbar and saline vertebrae in the lower back, as well as affect the knee joints.

If we talk about the treatment of obesity, we talk first about prevention, which is to choose the right type of food in eating more vegetables and fruits and reduce fatty and sugary substances, as well as the amount of food and not fill the stomach completely, as well as be careful to eat at specific times and not before bedtime Immediately, so that dinner can be avoided and eating amounts of fruit or yogurt before bed, but for the treatment of obesity the first part of the treatment is for total obesity is to follow the appropriate diet for the body.

As for the surgical intervention to treat obesity, the first part is the surgical treatment of total obesity, by performing gastric staples or gastric band or changing the course of the intestines, but for the treatment of local obesity varies according to the place of obesity, and this is done either by liposuction or by performing operations Tension such as tummy tuck and thigh tightening.

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