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Is fruit diet useful for weight loss?

 Is fruit diet useful for weight loss?

I've heard a lot about a fruit diet that depends on one type, how successful is this diet in weight loss?

This question is answered by Dr. Mustafa Sari, a consultant on obesity and nutrition, saying: The diet is useless in weight loss, but the individual must rely on eating fruit between meals when feeling hungry, in order to maintain weight, but if the weight loss programs, it Fruit intake should be calculated according to the Dietary guidelines followed.

Fruits generally benefit diabetics and contain a large proportion of fibers that improve the movement of the digestive system and facilitate the process of directing. Research also confirms that the abundance of fiber in the daily food of the individual is a shield from the disease of the digestive tract, as well as bowel cancer, the fruits generally regulate the metabolism and adjust the rate of sugar, but I do not recommend the fruit diet to lose weight.

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