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Is the fetus affected by the mother's weight gain?

 Is the fetus affected by the mother's weight gain?

Hanan Fahmy says, I am a lady who suffers from obesity to some extent and friends advised me to pay attention to the weight loss so that the fetus is not affected by this obesity, especially since I am pregnant in the third month, does increasing the weight of the mother affect the fetus and make him vulnerable to various diseases?

Dr. Jamal Shaaban, a cardiologist, answers, a Spanish study showed that pregnant obesity represents one of the biggest risks to fetal health, and Spanish doctors revealed that the excess obesity of pregnant women is one of the main factors in the occurrence of birth defects in the heart and kidneys.

Studies have also revealed that women who suffer from diabetes before pregnancy have an increased risk of congenital heart and kidney defects due to high blood sugar levels while the organs of the fetus are formed.

There is also a strong link between sugar and obesity although a recent study revealed that the risk of birth defects is due more to obesity than to the infection of the mother with diabetes, and the team that studied the relationship between the level of sugar in the mother's blood and weight and the occurrence of birth defects in children born to mothers with Sugar satisfaction that occurs as a result of pregnancy.

The researchers discovered that the degree of maternal obesity is the factor that indicates more the possibility of heart defects in the fetus, as it was the only factor to predict whether a child will be born with defects in the kidneys and other organs, and the head of the research team suggests that previous studies have not shown that obesity increases  From the risk of heart defects in children born to women suffering from diabetes perhaps because this factor has not been studied in particular, and it was previously known that there is a relationship between increased glucose level and the occurrence of birth defects.

The head of the medical team advises women who are considering having children to note their weight: "It would not be good to reduce weight significantly before pregnancy because this has negative effects on the mother and child." Amanda Fissi, consultant at the British Diabetes Foundation, said the research underscores the importance of maintaining a healthy weight, adding: "We know that obesity is one of the factors that increase the risk of diabetes and this research demonstrates the importance of trying to maintain a healthy weight before thinking about pregnancy."

These studies therefore emphasize the need to address obesity among young women not only for their health but also for the effects this can have on their children, and women need positive information about healthy choices to feed and feed their children.

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