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I want a healthy diet that doesn't cause weight gain.

 I want a healthy diet that doesn't cause weight gain.

I am a 22-year-old girl i want to know a healthy diet that does not cause weight gain, and does drink two cups of milk a day do not cause weight gain, knowing that my height does not exceed 152 or 153 cm, and my weight is between 52-55 kg.

And I also want to know what the truth of the open or fair day is? And what do I do if I want to eat a certain food like some crackers, a piece of jato or chocolate one day?

Dr. Mustafa Sari, consultant nutritionist and physiotherapist, answers: "Her weight is suitable for her height and she does not need to do a diet program to lose weight or even to maintain weight, but she needs a moderate lifestyle and lifestyle in which she eats healthy in a healthy way with increased mobility, she must have Enough information about the calories and benefits of food in general to avoid high-calorie meals or foods, as well as trying to engage in some motor activity such as walking for half an hour a day 5 days a week.'

As for milk, it is an integrated food component that contains quantities of calories, the cup of milk contains 140 calories, and also contains important nutrients for the body such as minerals, calcium, potassium and magnesium, where milk is the most important source of calcium, as well as it contains Proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and therefore excessive intake of milk leads to weight gain, the reasonable amount per person does not exceed a small cup per day.

Sari emphasizes that she does not suffer from weight gain and can eat a piece of sweets whenever she feels the need for it, provided that she is aware of the number of calories she eats throughout the day, as every kilogram of weight needs 30 calories to maintain her constant weight.

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