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How is liposuction done and when do we resort to it?

 How is liposuction done and when do we resort to it?

Dr. Sabah Ammar, teacher in the Department of Internal Medicine and Surgery at The Faculty of Nursing, Helwan University, reviews some studies and research related to liposuction operations, where she says: Some women when working diet suppnotation of the problem of not getting rid of fat in body parts equally, the body may be stored for fat in Buttocks, for example, and in such cases sports may be useful, as their practice helps to get rid of grease from all parts of the body, but if there is a clear and concentrated fat in one of the positions of the body and the diet could not eliminate it or sports, then it is necessary to treat obesity by suctioning these fats.

Liposuction is a process that is not performed for a person who suffers from a large weight gain, because it is not a slimming process, but it is the process of getting rid of fat cells that are concentrated in areas where all types of diet do not work, and this process depends on the condition of the skin, which is not related to age, the skin that is in bad condition and To make the process worse, the so-called "wavy skin", and the process, although simple, requires a great skill, as the surgeon does not see the fat but feels it in the skin, and he chooses the right depth to help the skin to quickly heal and hold together again.

The idea of the operation is adopted by withdrawing a quantity of fat cells from a specific part of the body such as buttocks or breasts, which is an easy surgery, and it became possible to do it without injecting chemicals or solutions to dissolve fat, and is the only process able to get rid of these fat cells, where the fat is not withdrawn Outside the skin directly, but it goes to the fat cells stationed inside, it is pulled through a thin channel equipped with a medical electro-hood through an opening of the skin does not usually exceed one centimeter, taking into account the position of nerves, arteries and veins and not to touch them, and also takes into account that the work is done This small hole in one of the folds of the skin is not visible so as not to cause the distortion of this part, and over time the place of this hole gradually disappears.

The procedure takes between half an hour and an hour and a half depending on the areas where liposuction is performed and its density, the liposuction of the buttocks takes about forty-five minutes, and can leave the hospital within one or two days.

After liposuction of the buttocks, it is preferable to wear a special "corsair" for a certain period of time to press the buttocks to maintain their normal shape and equal size. The buttocks cannot return to excess fat as before, because this surgery reduces the number of fat cells, no matter how large these cells are, they will not lead to clear obesity.

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