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How do I know my weight is normal or over ?

 How do I know my weight is normal or over ?

Emma sent   a question saying, how do I know I'm normal or not?

Dr. Osama Hefny is a consultant for physiotherapy and obesity treatment, saying: There are many ways to diagnose obesity and know its degree or severity including the "BMI", which is the body Mass index abbreviation or BMI, which is easy to obtain after measuring both weight and length and then dividing the weight In kilograms on the square of the length in meters, the result is between 15 to 70, and in case the number is less than 18, 5 the person is thin means less weight than normal.

A person has a normal weight if the product has a number between 18.5 and 25, but if the number is more than 25 and less than 30, the person is overweight, and if the number is between 30 and 35 be named First class, and between 35 and 40 be very fat or second class, either in the event that the output was more Of 40 The person is obese, obesity is a disease and should be treated if the product is more than 30 kilograms per square meter.

There are more reliable ways to diagnose obesity and obesity but depend on the organs, and therefore only in the clinics of obesity and thinness, this method is to measure the proportions of the body components and knowledge of the proportion of fats, muscles, water and bones, this method uses special electrical current devices, which are several types Of which measure the percentage of fat in the upper body and another measure the percentage of fat in the lower part.

The measurement of the lower part is more important, where obesity is more serious, and the fat ratio is measured by passing a very weak electric current that the person does not feel from the area and received from another area, and then the current speed is calculated through the resistance of the fat and others to the passage of the electrical current using the computer.

The proportion of natural fats varies by age and sex, and obesity treatment scientists have agreed that measuring fat is one of the most accurate ways to diagnose obesity.

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