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How do I get rid of the abdominal area fats after cesarean delivery?

 How do I get rid of the abdominal area fats after cesarean delivery?

I want a diet for the place where I was born cesarean and I have a big belly and I hold constantly and my height is 155 cm and I weigh 67 kg is there a solution to the abdominal problem?

Dr. Mustafa Sari, a consultant for nutrition and physiotherapy, says: Most women after childbirth suffer from an increase in weight due to excessive intake of large amounts of food during pregnancy, especially in recent months, and the increase in weight after childbirth continues as a result of excessive intake of many Of sweets, local liquids and juices in the belief that these liquids and sweets increase the rate of milk generation, but this belief is wrong because the milk generation depends on the rate of breastfeeding and eat as much water as possible all day and the weight increases especially in the abdominal area after birth This is if they have had surgeries such as caesarean section.

Sari warns of the use of the abdominal belt to bind the abdomen after birth because this is as it says of the mistaken beliefs and that this belt would increase the sagging of the abdominal muscles after birth and which causes muscle weakness and thus leads to sagging abdomen.

It provides some tips to get rid of the abdomen by the need to constantly suck the abdomen and eat as much water as possible throughout the day with a glass of water before and after breastfeeding to increase the milk and increase the number of lactation times because increasing the number of breastfeeding increases the generation of milk and the need to follow a diet to get rid of overweight and work dates Abdomen with a specialist.
Sari offers a nutritional program for the nanny as follows:

Daily Breakfast:
A small cup skimmed milk + 5 tablespoons of cottage cheese or egg + toast slice.
Between breakfast and food:
A cup of non-sweetened orange juice or a soup dish without ghee and without oil.
2 slices of meat or half a chicken or 2 grilled fish + 3 tablespoons rice or 3 tablespoons boiled pasta or 1 boiled potatoes + green salad or boiled vegetables + fruit fruits.
Between Food and dinner:
A small cup of skimmed milk.
Egg or cup yoghurt + toast slice + green salad + skimmed milk cup.
A cup of orange juice.

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