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"Eggs and Potatoes" Best Appetite Regulator

 "Eggs and Potatoes" Best Appetite Regulator

A recent study revealed the presence of a hormone that can drive a person to eat despite satiety and full stomach, researchers at The University of Texas Medical Center in Dallas said: "What they call hunger hormones , produced by the body in cases of hunger, can work in the brain to create a state of Constant eating of foods that excite you."

"Through research, we can refer to the only reason for eating, even if we feel full of the brain that tells us to do so," said one of the study's administrators, Dr. Jeffrey Zigman.

The researchers found that the mice conducted the research, which ate enough, preferred to stay in rooms full of fat-rich foods after being injected with ghrelin, while mice that were not injected did not mind being in rooms rich in fatty foods or other foods.
They found that stopping the action of this hormone is to prevent mice from spending too much time in fat-rich rooms.

Dr. Ihab Abu Al-Yazid, Professor of Endocrinology and Nutrition, comments: "When the blood sugar level decreases, a hormone is shown called glockgun, which helps to open the appetite and demand for food in a big way, and when full, the stomach secretes some substances that reach the brain, and is given orders to satiety, however. There are foods when we eat that increase our appetite, such as sweets, nuts and fats."

On how to control appetite, Dr. Ihab Abu Al-Yazid says: "In order to control our appetite, we must first have a goal that we want to reach and an incentive that encourages us to overcome problems that can stand in our way to fitness, secondly we divide our meals throughout the day five or six times to avoid eating Fatty and sweets in daily meals, thirdly there are food that we can control our appetite such as eggs, boiled potatoes, grapefruit juice, lemon without sugar, oranges and other acidic drinks."

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