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Does weight loss help treat diseases?

 Does weight loss help treat diseases?

Nadia Abdel Hafeez sent a message saying: I am 38 years old and I suffer from overweight, and sometimes I get heart pain and when I went to the doctor he advised me to lose weight, because it will help to stabilize my heart condition, does weight loss assist in the treatment of diseases?

Dr. Samia responds to the judge, the cardiovascular professor at the National Heart Institute, saying that the elimination of excess weight helps prevent many diseases, and through studies found that weight loss is 10 kilograms reduces the total mortality from 20%-25%, as well as reduced mortality Resulting from diabetes is 30%-40%.

While lowering the systolic pressure is 10 mmhg, although the number decreases by the rate of the diastolic/"deseized" pressure, the symptoms of angina are reduced by 91% and the estimated effort increased by 33%, and research revealed a 30% decrease in triglycerides The increase in HDL/"high-density" cholesterol to 8% and the reduction of LDL/"low density" by 15%, and the interest in treatment of obesity leads to a reduction of the probability of diabetes by 50% and the low level of fasting blood sugar by 30%-40%.

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