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Does losing weight protect against diseases?

 Does losing weight protect against diseases?

 A reader says: "Is weight loss a contributing factor in the prevention of certain diseases?

Dr. Samia al-Qadhi, professor of cardiovascular at the National Heart Institute, said: "Weight loss, even by a small percentage ,4-5 kg, is of great benefit, as it helps to lower high blood pressure and reduce high blood sugar, and obese patients should know their risks and benefits. Getting rid of excess weight, and treating obesity requires changing the lifestyle in the long run, where obese people should eat lower calories in food than consumed in their daily activity, although gradual lying of weight is beneficial to the body in the long run, and the desired rate is to decrease about half a kilogram Weekly, this requires eating 500 lower daily calories than usual or burning 500 more calories a day.

Dr. Samia points out that physical exercise alone is not enough to get rid of excess weight, although it is important as a kind of physical activity carried out by the human on a regular basis with the follow-up and self-monitoring of what a person eats during his day, as obesity such as chronic diseases needs treatment Continuous and full follow-up to prevent a relapse, and the human who has excess weight may be in need of medical treatment, besides following the diet, where there are drugs to help get rid of obesity although taking it must be under the supervision of a doctor for the absence of special complications for those suffering from high blood pressure or They suffer from severe heart attacks, and drugs that help to eliminate obesity range from:

1- Anti-appetite drugs, the most important of which is the drug "Sepbutramine", known as Miredia, which leads to increased feeling of satiety, and its effect is caused by the nervous system.
2- Drugs that help to feel full.
3- Drugs that reduce the absorption of food in the intestines, the most famous of which is the drug "orlistat", known as zinkal, which is less effective than the enzyme of the liss, which is responsible for digesting fat in the intestines, and thus works to prevent the absorption of fat.

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