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Age Diet

 Age Diet

One of the problems we encountered when following a diet is the lack of weight and the problem of stability related to the low rate of metabolism, the rate of burning of fats and sugars as a result of following the wrong lifestyle, and behaviors that we think are far from the problem although it is the greatest cause.

How many times have we lost weight so quickly, and with the end of the diet, the weight returns very quickly to what it was or more, so the end result of the diet is zero. The lifestyle must be adjusted from sleep, eating, sports, drinking water and staying away from the teak.

I say that we should not follow a diet that we cannot continue with for a lifetime, because it is disproportionate to our food habits and does not suit our working conditions or behaviors. The solution is to follow a lifelong system called a life-cycle diet.

Through the age diet we can eat what we love, but with certain cooking conditions, appropriate quantities, and not to rush to lose weight, because it is a kilo of decrease per week equal to 4 kg per month and 48 kg per year, but irreversibly. Through the diet of a lifetime, we can eat popular Egyptian favorites such as beans, ta'ai, kosheri, mahshi and pane foods, but without excessive or excessive.

Age diet must have conditions such as adjusting sleep appointments, not staying up late, organizing eating appointments, it is necessary to have 3 meals, the last with dinner ears, practice walking 30 minutes 3 times a week, drink ing appropriate amounts of water before eating, not rushing and stress and organizing thought, and we will start in turn to publish examples of age.

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